After around 18 months of self-study (and self-realisation) into positive mindset I took the proper plunge and invested in formal training with Mark Shields, of the Life Practice Academy, to gain the NLP Practitioner, NLP Hypnotherapist and NLP Life Coach certifications.
The self-study (still my continuous learning) included all manner of books, podcasts and documentaries and covered Quantum Mechanics, Sales, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Management, Economics, the Law of Attraction and a bit of CBT.
I have a bit of a fascination with Quantum Mechanics. The mathematics is somewhat beyond me, yet the outcomes from the science is mind-boggling. Just to put it out there – things act only in a certain way based on the observer. At the end of this article I’ve included some documentaries that start getting into quantum mechanics.
What was interesting about the majority of all I consumed is they centred on two things. Positivity and Action. The Law Of Attraction (LOA) is a bit hippy-woo. Yet at its core is positivity and action. Think positively about the thing you desire and then, with action, it will come to you. It may come not quite how you expected, but it will come. A bit of patience – or belief – may be needed too. The concept is kind of obvious though, right. I’ve spoken to a few people about LOA and the same comment comes. So I can think I will win the lottery and I will win it.
Two things – do you actually believe you will win it (is it an achievable goal)? And what action are you taking? One could say, therefore, that LOA is just goal setting and working to those goals. The difference I’ve learned in the practice of LOA it is something more – it is belief.
You’ll see on LinkedIn and elsewhere the top habits of successful people. It’ll list stuff like getting up at 5am, they go the extra mile, they take action. The biggie though – the main one is that they believe in themselves. Their goals are their creation, so they truly believe in them. And if they believe in it they will go for it and achieve it.
The so-called successful person won’t believe in a strategy of winning the lottery any more than you will. Afterall, to win the lottery there is only one action – to buy tickets. It has no options. No plan B. But if you buy one, or even on hundred tickets, you will still be in great doubt of your goal. You won’t attract it because you know the action you are taking is so limited versus the achievement. You may buy one hundred tickets on week one and win nothing. Then how do you evolve or tune your strategy? You can’t. You can only buy more tickets. And hope. This is not the Law Of Attraction.
To achieve attain something you need positive action and positive belief. The goal has to be achievable – within reach with the right volume of effort.
How can you help this to happen? To manifest that achievement. First is to get positive!
There is a reason some companies will put positive soundbites on office walls and company desktops. Its people consciously, and then subconsciously, read the positive messages and get rooted into the sub-conscious. It’s like anything one practices – the talent for it gets stronger. This is the same for LOA.
Take this strategy into your own world by creating lots of positive around you. Check out my previous writing on Positive Habits. Consider your play list and what you listen to. Crucially, look at those around you and consider their positive or negative force. If you are being fed negatives by family or friends this too with drip into your subconscious over time.
Check out my downloads on the site as these are a great way to, through repetition, get positivity engrained in your psyche. If you desire further help in your direction then reach out to a coach.
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Live WithOutLimit
Thrive WithOutLimit
WithOutLimit is a Career and Life Coaching Service. Created in Royal Berkshire, UK. Digitally delivered to the world.
PS. BBC Atom is a three-part series presented by Jim Al-Khalili and covers physics as it was known, the physics we are all taught in school and, finally, Quantum Physics (Mechanics).